Sunday, October 25, 2009

A New Gazebo

Hello from Mago. It has been awhile since I have written. The last I wrote was that Janet cut open my hand and stitched it back up. Well, I took the stitches out the following Sunday, but it was still hurting quite bad. Janet and I both felt something may still be in there; so on Monday she took me to the hospital. We weren’t there long when she saw someone she knew and they talked and they got me in right a way to get an x-ray done on my hand. We needed to ask the right questions (which we didn’t) and we wouldn’t have needed the x-ray. Wood does not show up on x-ray, but we didn’t know that until after the x-ray was done. Anyway, that left minor surgery again. They scheduled me for surgery real quick. Janet had gone to town to find veggies and also to eat lunch. She was going to come back and check on me and if I still wasn’t done she would come back some time later to get me. Well, when she got back, I was in getting prepped for surgery. I had an infection in two spots but they found no splinter. So I have an incision of about 1 ½” long. The Dr gave me only 3 stitches because he wanted it to drain so no infection would develop. I took the stitches out this morning and praise the Lord no infection. They were going to give me antibiotics, but I declined and claimed the promises from the Lord about using natural remedies for healing. I took garlic for breakfast and lunch along with my Epicor; I also took 3 capsules of Echinacea at each of those meals. I claimed His promises every day for healing and the Lord is so good, He answered my prayers.

Back to work – we have started on our third building in just over a month; actually our 4th if you want to include the Gazebo; more on that a little later. We have our purlins up on our carpentry/mechanic classes waiting for our roofing (which will get finished at the manufacturing plant on Wednesday), we have our kitchen/cafeteria floor poured and waiting for more material on it, we are going to be pouring the floor tomorrow on our building that is housing our four classrooms; that building is 86 feet long. The classrooms and the kitchen buildings (as are the remaining of our buildings) are going to be built out of the “one-day-church” buildings that have been donated to us for this purpose. Janet and I will be laying out another building, probably a house either today or tomorrow. She also wants to lay out a site for her garage up here near the house.

The children’s department in Sabbath School has been meeting outside on either chairs they carry out or boards laid on top of bricks. Janet got the idea of making a Gazebo for the children to meet in. Janet and I laid out the floor plan and some of the fundis have gotten the floor poured. So they had the wall up on Friday and today are building the seat for the kids to sit on. I have pictures that I will show later. Next year upon returning we will be putting a thatch roof over it. It will even be nice during the week just to sit under and enjoy the weather when we are not working (when ever that is).

Work continues to keep us busy. We are still waiting for our 2” pipe to finish our water project. The ditch has been completely filled in as far as possible at this point and we have a lot of water coming from our dam. The roll of pipe should be coming with the roofing material which we are waiting to get done by Wednesday.

Good to read your comments, hope all is well with each one of you.

God bless and good bye for now from Mago….



  1. It's good to hear from you both. Sorry about the hand surgery. It must interfere with your work. Do you guys ever take a break? What about the rumor that you all will go to lake Matema for a weekend of rest, any truth to it?

  2. hope your hand continues to heal well - no slowing down when there's things to do and it seems there always are guys take care and your remain in my prayers -
