Monday, September 7, 2009

Hello from Mago, Tanzania!

Sorry for the delay, this is what I wrote 1 ½ weeks ago. Also, no pictures until I get Outlook working.

After leaving Denver we landed in London and had about a 6 hour lay over Wednesday the 19th. We were met by Bill and Irma at Dar es Salem early Thursday morning. We then traveled about 10-12 hours by Land Cruiser to Kibidula where we were warmly welcomed by Janet’s son Jason, his wife Antonette and their two daughters Trulisa and Emily. Their third daughter, Shilo, was sleeping. We spent the weekend and left after breakfast on Monday for our last leg of our journey.

We finally made it through the final leg of our trip and arrived on Monday evening, I think somewhere around 5-6:00. We received a warm welcome from Baraza, Mariam, their sons Abraham and Isaiah. We had a good nights rest and then all day Tuesday and Wednesday morning we were running all over lining up deliveries of sand, gravel, lumber, brick and cement. In fact right now (Wednesday afternoon) Janet has left to go to order cement and have it delivered tomorrow. Soon we will be starting our industrial school. We will get pictures as we begin the project.

Another project we are working on is getting water to the house. The ditch is being dug a good 600 meters from the spring to our house. They hopefully will be done very soon. They have a short distance from behind the church and then continue to the back of our house. I am not sure, but I think also when the water gets to the house we will also get our septic tank made for our indoor plumbing. To be honest, I don’t mind walking out to the bathroom/outhouse nor do I mind bathing and washing my hair with water in a basin, I enjoy camping; but it is the convenience of having everything close at hand in the house that I miss, if you understand what I mean. J

Anyway, we are doing well, just keeping busy. Today, Wednesday after lunch, is the first time I actually have done any accounting work or blog entries. This blog was typed the Wednesday, August 26, after arrival here and it is getting posted on September 4.

Most of you might remember Desima, the young man who has epilepsy that keeps falling into the fire. Well, we saw him two different mornings sleeping on the side of the rode. This morning Janet stopped and inquired about him and we out that he keeps running away from his step mom and also his grandfather and uncle. We brought him home and he evidently has had another seizure and fell into the fire again and has his left knee and left shoulder burnt real bad. Janet cleaned the wounds and they gave him a bath and clean clothes. He will stay with us for a while.

There is so much to write but I don’t want to write a book right now, so I will write more hopefully tomorrow.

Bye for now.

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